Jun 2018

Australian compliance outsourcing: a level playing field

Australian compliance outsourcing: a level playing field

By: Odyssey Outsourcing
Tags: Ad hoc jobs, Australian Accountant, Full time resources

We’ve often predicated that Australian compliance outsourcing levels the playing field for Australian firms small and large. Odyssey has over 1,000 Australian accounting firms utilizing our services on an ad-hoc basis, which means as long as we receive one job during the year, then we’ll keep your account open. After a year with no jobs, we do like to make …


Jun 2017

Why bringing your outsourced work back inhouse often isn’t seamless…

By: Odyssey Outsourcing
Tags: Ad hoc work, compliance, Full time resources, Outsourcing models, Overseas outsourcing

An ex client of Odyssey reached out to me last week, and wrote the following: Dear David, It has been some time since I have made contact. I was wondering if we could touch base. We used Odyssey for the majority for SMSF clients in the 2016 year, approximately 40-50 funds. Most of these were handled by our senior accountant …


May 2016

Accountants advised on outsourcing quality problems

By: Odyssey Publication
Tags: Ad hoc resources, Full time resources, limited outsourcing supply, Quality

Mitchell Turner released an article on Accountants Daily, explaining that there can be inconsistency issues and wavering quality levels when it comes to outsourcing of operations  overseas. This article might have been headed: “Problems with outsourcing”. As the article indicates, one Outsourcing provider notes the problems with controlling and managing outsourcing operations, quite possibly in reference to the recent trend …